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About The AutistiX

How We Got Here

The AutistiX are a unique rock band from London, UK, formed in 2010.

What makes us unique? Our sound is unique, as well as having two band members with autism, Saul Zur-Szpiro (drums) and Jack Beaven-Duggan (electric guitar + backing vocals). They are joined by their talented mentor Jim Connelly (lead vocals) and by Jack's father John Duggan (electric guitar) and Saul's father Michael Zur-Szprio (harmonia). 


Coming together as a band, ‘The AutistiX’, we are recognised for our musical talent and are proud to be musicians with autism. We showcase the potential of musicians with disabilities and the valuable contribution we have to make to society.


We have won over the hearts of music lovers from all walks of life. Performing at a wide variety of venues across the world, all while writing and recording original new music. Our music incorporates elements of alternative rock, pop rock and punk rock. 

Get in touch for performance opportunities and to learn more about our music and unique talents.


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I Used to Be Famous is an uplifting and endearing Netflix outing

16th October 2022

The tale of a former boy band member who finds unexpected friendship with an autistic drummer might seem too low-key to make an impact on the streaming service. 

You should make the effort to seek out I Used to Be Famous though as it's an uplifting and endearing watch. It's a movie that signposts its ultimate destination, yet it's done with such heart that you'll cry happy tears by the end all the same.

Adapting from his own short film of the same name (with the movie co-written by Zak Klein), Sternberg based the character of Stevie on his cousin, who is autistic and a drummer.

That personal connection is evident in how the filmmaker chose to cast a neurodivergent actor as Stevie, as well as having several neurodivergent actors in the movie's stand-out drum circle scenes.

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