We have some very exciting news. Next weekend on Sunday 2nd June, The AutistiX will be playing at the foremost local music festival, Camden Rocks!
​This is a nationally known festival when every venue all over Camden is taken over for live music performances. We will be playing at the Lyttleton Arms in the heart of Camden opposite the nightclub Koko. We will be playing at 4pm so please come long to see us! www.thelyttletonarmscamden.co.uk .
Here is the site to get your tickets using our special discount https://camdenrocks.seetickets.com/event/camden-rocks-festival-2019/various-camden-venues-london/1233793?ct=t()http://po.st/CRF19SundayBandTickets
Discount code 8ZD5ARJX.